The five conscientious objectors who were selected for The White Feather Diaries. Photo: Photos: © 2014 Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain.
White Feather Diaries project launched
Online storytelling initiative launched on International Conscientious Objectors Day
Friends from all over Britain converged on Friends House on 15 May to celebrate the launch of a major Quaker project. Quakers in Britain chose International Conscientious Objectors Day to introduce the four-year project to tell the suppressed stories of world war one: Cranks or heroes? Telling the untold stories of world war one. The launch was held in the Small Meeting House at Friends House in the morning and was introduced by Paul Parker, recording clerk of Britain Yearly Meeting. He said that ‘conscientious objectors showed courage and not cowardice. Pacifism was then, and still is, a brave and difficult decision.’