15th December 2023

Buddhist and Quaker interfaith peace action

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers and the Plum Village Buddhist Community (followers of Thich Nhat Hanh) have come together ‘in a heart-felt desire to spearhead and unify all faiths and spiritual…

15th December 2023

Meeting for Sufferings: Non-members in Quaker service

by Joseph Jones

October’s Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) agreed in principle that appointment to Britain Yearly Meeting’s central committees ‘need not be dependent on formal membership as it…

15th December 2023

Meeting for Sufferings: Yearly Meeting 2024

by Joseph Jones

After a shuffle break, Friends heard from Adwoa Burnley, clerk of Yearly Meeting (YM). She introduced the agenda for YM 2024, which will be held on 26–30 July at Friends House.…

8th December 2023

Quakers welcome sentencing changes

by Rebecca Hardy

More than 1,800 people who have received Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) sentences in England and Wales will now be given an end date for their terms, the Ministry of…

8th December 2023

Friend raises climate protest concerns at probationers event

by Rebecca Hardy

A Cornwall Quaker has prompted probation workers to consider the issue of climate protestors being imprisoned.

8th December 2023

Taunton vigil for peace

by Rebecca Hardy

Taunton Friends held a vigil for peace on the town’s high street last month, allowing only ‘Quakers for Peace’ banners.

8th December 2023

Friends House wins venue award

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends House has won the ‘Best Venue for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’ award at the London Venue and Catering Awards 2023.

8th December 2023

Meeting for Sufferings: 2022 accounts

by Joseph Jones

This month’s Meeting for Sufferings (MfS) began with an unusual first session. Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) was late publishing its 2022 accounts, so all Friends were invited to…

8th December 2023

Meeting for Sufferings: Review of YM and MfS

by Joseph Jones

After a shuffle break, representatives heard from the group reviewing Yearly Meeting. This group was becoming known as ‘GRYM’ said Sarah Donaldson, the group’s convener,…

Quaker MPs reject calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza
1st December 2023

Quaker MPs reject calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

by Rebecca Hardy
1st December 2023

Quakers push loss and damage fund at COP28

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends have been reminded that ‘the unthinkable can happen when we stand together and apply pressure’, ahead of the twenty-eighth Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework…