4th May 2018

Search for sustainable solutions

by The Friend Newsdesk

Staff at the Friend are investigating the most sustainable way of wrapping the magazine for posting to subscribers.

‘Silent’ podcast in the spotlight
27th April 2018

‘Silent’ podcast in the spotlight

by Rebecca Hardy
27th April 2018

Hexham Debate on prisons

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends from Hexham, Allendale and Stocksfield gathered last week to hear a talk on ‘Prison, prisoners, politics and power’, as part of the longstanding series of Hexham…

27th April 2018

Experiment with Light Conference

by Rebecca Hardy

Thirty Friends from all over Britain met in Glenthorne Quaker Centre and Guest House in Grasmere, Cumbria last month for the Experiment with Light Conference. Questions explored at…

Quaker MP speaks out about Syria
27th April 2018

Quaker MP speaks out about Syria

by Rebecca Hardy
27th April 2018

Gathering of the Northern Friends Peace Board

by Rebecca Hardy

Eighteen Friends came together at Huddersfield Meeting House this month for a meeting of the Northern Friends Peace Board (NFPB).

27th April 2018

Writer talks about his Quaker faith

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker author Gregory Norminton, who recently published his first novel for ten years, has spoken out about how his Quakerism influences his writing.

27th April 2018

More low-cost rented homes needed

by Rebecca Hardy

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) has called on the government to build 78,000 low-cost rented homes a year to tackle the housing crisis.

27th April 2018

Exhibition highlights fate of ‘missing’ persons

by Rebecca Hardy

‘Fate Unknown: The Search for the Missing after the Holocaust’ an exhibition at The Wiener Library in Bloomsbury, London is highlighting the efforts made to trace the missing…

20th April 2018

Quakers speak out against military action in Syria

by The Friend Newsdesk

Friends House released a statement on 12 April urging the UK government not to take military action in Syria and to work for peace instead.

20th April 2018

Rwandan Friends’ appeal success

by The Friend Newsdesk

Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) has closed the successful campaign to help Rwanda Yearly Meeting address an urgent need to install lightning rods on thirty-five…

20th April 2018

Peace protestors make West Midlands ‘weapons inspection’

by The Friend Newsdesk

London Quaker Jo Frew was one of ‘The People’s Weapons Inspectors’ – Christian peace protestors who blocked the gates of arms manufacturer Roxel in the West Midlands on 7 April.