14th August 2020

Black Lives Matter banner set on fire

by Rebecca Hardy

A ‘Black Lives Matter’ banner installed by Quakers outside a Meeting house in the US was set on fire, in a third act of vandalism this summer.

Central Edinburgh Friends host BLM artwork
14th August 2020

Central Edinburgh Friends host BLM artwork

by Rebecca Hardy
14th August 2020

QSA advises on funeral price controls

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Social Action (QSA), which has just announced plans to merge with Quaker Homeless Action in the autumn, has responded to an ongoing investigation into rising funeral costs.

Quakers gather online for Swarthmore Lecture 2020
7th August 2020

Quakers gather online for Swarthmore Lecture 2020

by Rebecca Hardy
Manchester Quakers commit to BLM review
7th August 2020

Manchester Quakers commit to BLM review

by Rebecca Hardy
7th August 2020

UK universities with arms trade links

by Rebecca Hardy

British universities are increasingly beholden to financial arrangements with arms firms due to Brexit and government cuts, an author who specialises in the arms trade has…

7th August 2020

Friends rally for ‘stigmatised’ drivers

by Rebecca Hardy

International Friends came together for a Quaker-led initiative to support communities and truck drivers crossing parts of Africa.

7th August 2020

‘Tax Justice Sunday’ worship

by Rebecca Hardy

A Woodbrooke tutor, Val Jenner, led a Quaker all-age Meeting for Worship themed around tax justice to mark Tax Justice Sunday. The member of Selly Oak Meeting said the Zoom session…

7th August 2020

Revision Committee gets creative

by Rebecca Hardy

The Book of Discipline Revision Committee has launched a creative project Open to New Light based on Quaker artistic contributions in order to inform their work.

Quakers mark Hiroshima and Nagasaki Days
31st July 2020

Quakers mark Hiroshima and Nagasaki Days

by Rebecca Hardy
31st July 2020

Friends of Color’s message to Quakers

by Rebecca Hardy

The Friends of Color group has released an epistle calling on Quakers to heed its ‘Call to Action’ on the racial pandemic. ‘To our Friends in the wider Quaker world, we the…

Brighton Friend forms music fundraiser
31st July 2020

Brighton Friend forms music fundraiser

by Rebecca Hardy