Extinction Rebellion (XR) needs to ‘break out of the XR bubble’ and enable entire communities ‘to demand change’, says a new XR digital handbook that Quakers have been sharing.
The Quaker Africa Interest Group (QAIG) charities group has said that the situation in Africa is highly changeable as countries grapple with the differing challenges of the…
The Methodist Church has joined the United Reform Church in expressing support for Quaker Hannah Brock Womack, who was blocked from fully being the representative of the Fourth…
Huddersfield Friends have said they are ‘horrified’ that the death sentences of two Bahraini activists was upheld by Bahrain’s highest court despite international concern…
Lancaster University has named one of its lecture theatres after Quaker Margaret Fell despite recently signing an Armed Forces Covenant, raising questions about its commitment to…
Glenthorne Quaker Centre in Grasmere hosted a virtual Welcome Project in conjunction with Bradford Children’s Society and the Wordsworth Trust during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Quakers in Scotland have said they were ‘disappointed’ in a response from the first minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon to a letter they co-sent about economic recovery…
A Friend from St Andrews Meeting who serves on the chaplaincy team at the University of St Andrews took part in a student platform aimed at counteracting polarisation and…
Eco Quakers Ireland and the Ireland Yearly Meeting (IYM) Investment Committee have launched a guide to encourage Meetings to pursue ethical investments.
Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) joined thirty-seven other faith groups in signing a statement urging every sector of civil society to use the opportunity of lockdown-easing to work…
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Written by and for Friends on the bench