Build Back Better coalition consider green recovery from Covid

North Wales citizens’ forums

Build Back Better coalition consider green recovery from Covid

by Rebecca Hardy 19th February 2021

A Quaker-backed group started by a local North Wales Friend is organising two online citizens’ forums to debate the climate crisis and how Wales can move to a greener, fairer society.

Frances Voelcker, from Porthmadog Meeting and coordinator of the Build Back Better (BBB) group for Gweledigaeth Wyrdd i Eifionydd & Llŷn (GWELL) told the Friend that the forums will run on 20 and 27 March for communities in Meirionnydd to consider ‘How can Dwyfor Meirionnydd Build Back Better and ensure a Green Recovery from Covid?’

The group, which includes other people as well as Quakers, is organising the event as well as local campaign group Hope for the Future. The group was conceived when North Wales Area Meeting Quakers registered as a supporting group to the BBB coalition.

Eighteen people gathered at an event organised by the group on 15 January to discuss the plans, including Quakers from all parts of Wales and Southern Marches, and representatives from other local groups. The first forum will consider the main local challenges of the climate crisis and strategies to influence change. The second session will explore communicating with politicians.

The local MP Liz Savill Roberts will also be invited, as well as Gwynedd councillors.

Frances Voelcker told the Friend that she contacted the Datblygiadau Egni Gwledig (DEG) rural energy development group, which has secured funding to run up to five forum-type climate events across North Wales from March 2021.

‘I sent a letter to Gwynedd councillors asking them to include climate change as part of their consideration of tourism; and to set up, or to support the setting up, of a citizens’ forum,’ she said. She added that she only received responses from local members, and her message was ignored by cabinet and chairs.


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