Event focuses on fostering dialogue between African and British Friends

Quaker Africa interest Group 2021

Event focuses on fostering dialogue between African and British Friends

by Rebecca Hardy 26th February 2021

About forty Friends from Britain Yearly Meeting met online last month for the annual gathering of the Quaker Africa interest Group (QAIG).

The theme for the event on 30 January was ‘fostering dialogue between African and British Friends’. The first speaker John Muhanji, Africa ministries director at Friends United Meeting in Kenya, gave a history of Quakerism in Kenya and suggested that a rich and fruitful dialogue could be had around Quaker testimonies and outreach. South African Friends Nozizwe and Jeremy Mandlala Routledge also spoke as part of the latest ‘Quaker Conversation’, organised by Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC). Both had been imprisoned for their anti-apartheid activism and had then gone on to help build the ‘rainbow nation’. Tracey Martin, the new clerk of the Quaker World Relations Committee (QWRC), reported on the first online visit between African and British Friends in December.


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