Quaker building survives US fires
25th September 2020

Quaker building survives US fires

by Rebecca Hardy
25th September 2020

BYM backs coalition to halt cycle of crime

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) is supporting a coalition including police and crime commissioners that is committed to preventing young people being pulled into a cycle of crime and…

25th September 2020

International Day of Peace is marked

by Rebecca Hardy

Over ten Quaker groups joined around 170 organisations in signing an International Day of Peace statement calling for the international community to ‘mainstream peace in the…

25th September 2020

Oxford Friend is Quaker chaplain

by Rebecca Hardy

An Oxford Friend has become what is thought to be the first Quaker chaplain of a University of Oxford college.

18th September 2020

Friends House staff consultation ends

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has said that it is ‘not likely to announce any decisions imminently’ following staff surveys to consider ‘a wide range of cost-cutting measures’.

18th September 2020

UK risks surge in homelessness, says MP

by Rebecca Hardy

The politician Thangam Debonnaire MP, who has spoken previously about the influence of her Quaker roots, has warned that without proper safeguards in place, the UK faces a…

18th September 2020

Holidays for Syrian refugees

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends from Minehead Meeting organised holidays for five Syrian refugee families this summer despite the pandemic. The Quaker-founded Minehead and District Refugee Support Group,…

18th September 2020

Friends and MP raise tourism as concern

by Rebecca Hardy

A North Wales Build Back Better (BBB) group set up by a Friend from Porthmadog Meeting has agreed with its local MP that tourism in the area is a particular concern.

Friends send creative inspirations
18th September 2020

Friends send creative inspirations

by Rebecca Hardy
18th September 2020

US Quaker school disbands union

by Rebecca Hardy

More than 1,000 parents and alumni have signed a petition urging a Quaker school in the US not to disband a staff union, amid claims that it is betraying its Quaker values. The row…

11th September 2020

Brummana School steps up after explosion

by Rebecca Hardy

The principal of the Quaker Brummana High School in Lebanon has described how students supported the community after the devastating explosion in Beirut last month left thousands…

11th September 2020

Friends support new children’s rights bill

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers in Scotland are supporting a new bill to enshrine children’s rights into Scots law. Friends joined forty-nine other members of Together (Scottish Alliance for…