Sunderland Friends seek new home
‘We were reluctant to leave our beautiful Meeting house in Roker in Sunderland, which had been our home since the 1960s.'
Sunderland Quakers are looking for a new Meeting house after selling their previous building earlier this year. Ann Smith, clerk of Sunderland Meeting, told the Friend that they have been working on plans with the Tyne and Wear Buildings Preservation Trust and Sunderland Council regeneration officers. ‘We were reluctant to leave our beautiful Meeting house in Roker in Sunderland, which had been our home since the 1960s, but over the past two years the cost of repairs and modernisation required led us to the need to make a decision about the future,’ she said. ‘After considering spiritual leadings, economic, social and environmental factors and our hoped-for Quaker legacy, we decided to sell, and the sale took place in January 2021. We had also agreed that we should plan for a new Meeting house in the centre of Sunderland. In the meantime, we are in the process of agreeing to rent temporary accommodation in the Carnegie Community Corner and hope to be able to meet together again in person soon.’