Letters - 24 January 2025

Our testimony to truth

The Religious Society of Friends (RSoF) is not a mere movement or tendency. As an organisation it has purpose and has a structure and agreed methods or practices for implementing its purpose.  

As an organisation we must have members, by definition. In the RSoF only members are entitled to certain benefits. They also have responsibilities and liabilities. Non-members at Meetings for Worship are in effect observers, and at Business Meetings, consultants. The Society’s authority over them is almost non-existent. If a non-member trustee or elder acting on behalf of the Society were to commit some great wrong, there would be no accountability. 

A model which has been proposed is that only a few Friends would be members and only they would hold responsible positions such as trustees and elders. The rest of us would in effect be attenders, similar to members of lay orders. I see no merit in this model. 

As a faith group we accept as members of the Society individuals who did not fully share our faith, but surely only if it was clear that they were willing to do so. William Penn was accepted, sword and all, because George Fox could see he wanted to become a true Friend. 

It seems a defiance of our testimony to truth that we announce as members people who actively deny the basis of our faith and even argue publicly against it. I recollect one who said: ‘If you believe in God you might as well believe in Harry Potter’. Shame on him, and shame on the Meeting which accepted him into membership though fully aware of his opinion.

Stephen Petter

Closing Meeting house

Esher Meeting (in Kingston & Wandsworth Area Meeting) vacated its Meeting house six months ago and moved to rented premises. 

We minuted all the discernment and decisions, and subsequently wrote a fairly detailed account of the process and the emotional impact. 

If any other Meetings are undertaking this change and looking for insights, our account is available on the Esher Meeting website.

Christine Cannon

Past letters