7th September 2018

Taking the long view

by Anthony Woolhouse
7th September 2018

Aesop’s fables

by Catherine Henderson
7th September 2018

Walking in the shoes of others

by Marian McNichol

Resolving the current conflict around what constitutes anti-Semitism requires us to walk a mile in the other’s shoes. Peacebuilding requires that we understand the root causes of…

31st August 2018

What do Friends mean by equality?

by Paul Honigmann

Last year there was a letter in the Friend about Ackworth School. It said that the school: ‘…also wanted to tell us that it continues to be Quaker in “outlook and…

31st August 2018

Towards wholeness

by Maureen Anderson
31st August 2018

Riding into the sun

by Sally Ingham
31st August 2018

When not to tell the truth

by Simon Risley

Earlier this year I was asked to speak at Quaker Quest on ‘Truth’. At our meeting beforehand one speaker said that since he’d become a Quaker he never, ever lied –…

31st August 2018

God bothering

by John Anderson

The clerk of the Meeting dies and goes to heaven where, as he had confidently expected, he is met at the pearly gates by saint Peter: flowing locks, curly beard, white gown, halo…

31st August 2018

From the archive: King and parliament

by Janet Scott

The Friends’ Ambulance Unit reports for August 1918 tell of a surprise visit to their Queen Alexandra Hospital by the king. It was noted in the Friend on 6 September that: His…

24th August 2018

Quaker weddings and outreach

by Rajit Gholap
24th August 2018

Open spaces

by Patricia Gosling