'It can be a very powerful experience.' Photo: Bureau of Land Management Oregon and Washington / flickr CC.

Alison Taylor writes about the power of Quaker spiritual healing

‘Let go and let God’

Alison Taylor writes about the power of Quaker spiritual healing

by Alison Taylor 14th December 2018

Have you ever thought of joining a Meeting for Worship for Healing? It can be a very powerful experience. The Friends Fellowship of Healing is holding its third nationwide Quaker Day of Healing in spring. You may be surprised by the depth of worship and spiritual experience it can generate.

So, what is spiritual healing and how does it work? Spiritual healing may rarely be talked about in Quaker Meetings, but it is something that many Friends do without realising it, in the form of prayer for those who are ill, or for particular situations, and by holding our concerns in the Light. We tune into the presence of God, have clear intentions, and because God is the Healer, we ‘let go and let God’. This is distance healing.

For hands-on healing, I personally tune into God or the universal source of energy, and allow energy to flow through me to the person to whom I am giving healing. I ask that healing is given in relation to the person’s needs. Healing of the particular presenting problem may not be granted, but healing is always received, and we believe it to be always for the highest good of the individual.

The Friends Fellowship of Healing was formed in 1935 to promote the healing ministry of Jesus, to follow in the footsteps of George Fox, and continue to highlight the recognition of natural therapies to complement orthodox treatment. A number of Quaker Meetings around the country hold regular distance Healing Meetings. This led to the creation of the Quaker Day of Healing.

As some Quakers wished to take their healing further, Quaker Spiritual Healers was set up to train and examine those who wish to become hands-on healers.

Jersey Meeting joined the nationwide Quaker Day of Healing in March 2018. Eighteen people (not all Quakers) took part at various times in the day, as we gathered for a Meeting for Worship for Healing. Some wrote names and situations, and placed them on the central table; some gave ministry and used appropriate readings. Everyone present felt the strength and power of the energy generated. It was felt as love and warmth, care and hugs, peace and healing; and what someone described as ‘a feeling of love that covered you like a blanket’. One participant said: ‘The spiritual power in that Meeting room was intense.’ Another described it as one of the most gathered Meetings he had attended.

Friends who joined us during the day felt the strong energy of healing as they entered the room. Two were so moved that it became ministry in Meeting for Worship on Sunday. We knew that other Meetings were holding healing days so we felt connected to the energy flowing around the country. It was a very inspiring, enriching and satisfying day for all those who took part. It was a day when many Quakers were focused on their spirituality and healing concerns. I hope this is an initiative that will grow from strength to strength.

The next Quaker Day of Healing will be on 2 March 2019. Further information: peterpam65@ntlworld.com


For a brief period before I moved away from SE London, I attended the monthly Meetings for Healing held by Blackheath Friends. I found them to be some of the most profound Meetings for Worship that I have experienced.

By Julia Lim on 29th December 2018 - 8:38

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