10th August 2018

The heartbeat of time

by Bernard Coote

William Penn will be remembered quietly in many countries this year, the tercentenary of his death on 30 July 1718. His style and speech give an appearance of another age: time…

10th August 2018

Peace Hub

by Peter Doubtfire

‘Do you do dry-cleaning?’ Of all the questions we’d anticipated when starting up a Quaker peace and justice centre, this was not on the list, but it came up surprisingly often.

10th August 2018

Something to celebrate

by Marjorie Lazaro

On the front wall of our Meeting House in Berkhamsted is the lettering: 1818. Not the date when Friends were first active in the district, but the year when they had a home. This…

10th August 2018

In Quaker Meeting

by Lesley Morris
3rd August 2018

An inspiring day

by Martin Morley
3rd August 2018

Music ministry

by Ian Kirk-Smith

Paulette Meier is a Friend from Ohio who has been visiting Britain and sharing the wisdom of early Friends through her ‘song chants’. Her ‘music ministry’ involves singing…

3rd August 2018

Hemel Hempstead tercentenary

by Audrey Pitchforth

Hemel Hempstead Local Quaker Meeting is celebrating its tercentenary this year. So far, it has proved to be an invigorating and exciting year with, inevitably, a great deal of…

3rd August 2018

Polyamorous Quakers

by A Friend

A search for ‘polyamory’ in the Friend finds two references, both in discussions about non-mainstream sexuality, but neither with discussion on a Quaker perspective. As a…

3rd August 2018


by Roger Seal

Friends often refer to the idea of ‘the priesthood of all believers’, but what exactly do we mean by the term? ‘Priest’ literally comes from the Greek word presbyteros,…

3rd August 2018


by Catherine Henderson
27th July 2018

Quaker journeys

by Nigel Burnham
27th July 2018

Quakers and the Holy Spirit

by Gill Pennington