2nd November 2018

The London Adult School Union

by Jonathan Lingham
2nd November 2018

Stone soup and street parties

by Catherine Henderson
2nd November 2018

The elephant in the room

by Jamie Wrench
2nd November 2018

No alternatives

by Brian Hodkinson
2nd November 2018

Poppies and conscience

by Robin Waterston
2nd November 2018

Being true to myself

by Rhiannon Grant

‘Travel to distant and exotic places. Meet interesting and exciting people, and then kill them.’ Spike Milligan once offered this as a parody of a military recruitment…

2nd November 2018

Thoughts on equality

by Patricia Gosling

My maternal family was Welsh and their attitude, although living in England, was that the English class system was a nonsense. They felt they were as good as anyone. This attitude…

26th October 2018

Work, worship and play

by Alison Smedley
26th October 2018

‘Remember your humanity’

by David Maxwell
26th October 2018

Wordless Knowing

by Joyce Gee
26th October 2018

From the archive: Letters and papers from prison

by Janet Scott

During the autumn of 1918 several subjects were on the minds of Friends and filled the correspondence columns of the Friend. There was the question of the League of Nations, with…

19th October 2018

Food justice

by Clíodhna Mulhern