Eye hears about 'thunking', sees snowdrops emerge in a peaceful display, and enjoys a trusty readers' lyrics celebrating snores…
by Elinor Smallman
The area around Lancashire and Swarthmoor, near Ulverston, is the birthplace of Quakerism – it is where George Fox travelled in 1652. It is the focus of many Quaker pilgrimages,…
Found in fiction John Lampen, of Stourbridge Meeting, popped into Eye’s mailbag with a fictional Friend penned by Daniel Defoe. He writes: ‘Your mention of a fictional Quaker…
Celebrating seventy-five years The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) represents Friends at the United Nations, and has done for seventy-five years! At an event in June to mark…
Maltsters, manufacturers and merchants Given that many Quakers were involved in the temperance movement, Eye was surprised to hear about the connection between Friends and brewing…
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