Neil Turner invited ChatGPT to pen Business Meeting minutes on this hot topic and shared the results with Eye Photo: by Rumman Amin on Unsplash

From Bots and biccies to Eat up!

Eye - 09 February 2024

From Bots and biccies to Eat up!

by Elinor Smallman 9th February 2024

Bots and biccies

Artificial intelligence has inspired a number of writers to contribute pieces in recent months, and the debate is far from over. Amid the ethical concern, fear and hope, however, one Friend has floated a light-hearted idea at a chat bot, considering that most vital of provisions: biscuits after Meeting for Worship.

Neil Turner, of South Edinburgh Meeting, invited ChatGPT to pen Business Meeting minutes on this hot topic and shared the results with Eye:

‘Date: [Insert Date]

Location: [Insert Meeting Location]

Attendees: [List of Attendees]

Clerk of the Meeting: [Clerk’s Name]

Agenda Item: Discerning the best type of biscuits for coffee time post-worship


1. Opening: The Meeting began in silence, with Friends centring themselves in the Spirit.

2. Introduction: The clerk introduced the agenda, emphasising the significance of fellowship and hospitality in our community, particularly during coffee time following worship.

3. Presentation of options: Various Friends presented their suggestions for biscuits. The options included:

Traditional digestive biscuits
Homemade oatmeal cookies
Gluten-free almond biscuits
Vegan chocolate chip cookies
Lemon drizzle biscuits

4. Sharing and Discernment: The Meeting entered into a period of reflective sharing. Friends spoke from their experience, considering factors such as inclusivity (dietary needs), tradition, and the joy of sharing homemade offerings.

5. Sense of the Meeting: After thoughtful consideration and listening to the Light within, the Meeting found unity in choosing a variety of biscuits to cater to diverse tastes and dietary needs. A rotation system was suggested to include all the proposed types over different Meetings.

6. Action and responsibility: Volunteers stepped forward to coordinate the biscuit rotation. [Names of Volunteers] agreed to organise the schedule and communicate with those bringing biscuits each week.

7. Closing: The Meeting concluded in silence, holding the decision in the Light and expressing gratitude for the community’s commitment to fellowship and inclusion.

Next Meeting Date: [Insert Date]

Minutes Prepared By: [Recorder’s Name]’

The chatbot then reminded the user to customise date, location, attendees, and names, as per their Meeting.

Although this is tongue-in-cheek, do any Friends want to share their favourite post-Meeting nibble with Eye? Does anyone make treats that they’d be willing to share the recipe for? Eye would love to hear any personal or group traditions!

Eat up!

Not a Battle but Banquet of Hastings
For today we must celebrate tastings
Ev’ry scrap of each meal
Should be eaten with zeal
To ensure there will never be wastings.

Alec Davison


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