20th September 2024

The Great Passion

Author: James Runcie…

by Jeremy Holmes

28th September 2018

Poacher’s pilgrimage

by Ian Kirk-Smith
14th September 2018

Camel scorpions

by Martin Schweiger
7th September 2018

First confession

by Reg Naulty

At a time when they are under threat across Europe, Reg Naulty reflects on a defence of liberal values

17th August 2018

Jesus, revolutionary of the poor

by Stuart MastersIn his most recent book, Jesus, Revolutionary of the Poor: Matthew’s Subversive Messiah, Quaker prison chaplain an

Stuart Masters welcomes a new book by Mark Bredin

17th August 2018

Travels of a TEFL teacher

by David Westgate

David Westgate offers his thoughts on a rewarding read

10th August 2018

Moscow diary

by Alastair Hulbert

Alastair Hulbert offers a timely reflection on the memories of a Friend in Moscow

3rd August 2018

A negotiator’s toolkit

by Joe Burlington

Joe Burlington welcomes a timely and needed publication

13th July 2018

Quakers, guns and money

by Kathleen Bell

Kathleen Bell welcomes a fresh interpretation of Quaker history

6th July 2018


by Jonathan Doering

Jonathan Doering welcomes a new collection by Gillian Allnutt

15th June 2018

Experiencing music

by Marian Liebmann

Marian Liebmann reviews a book on music and spirituality

8th June 2018

Enlightenment now

by Reg Naulty

Reg Naulty responds to the latest book by philosopher Steven Pinker

4th May 2018

Quakers are hilarious!

by Audrey Chamberlain

Audrey Chamberlain reflects on a light-hearted look at Friends