Quakers in Switzerland are seeking to learn from British Friends who were involved in Britain Yearly Meeting’s (BYM) ‘New Economy’ work.
Friends across the country are witnessing this week as part of the Global Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice. The event is the first of its kind to highlight the links…
A Friends House summer event featuring two atomic bomb survivors inspired the playwright and actor Michael Mears to revive a pacifist play.
A Quaker-hosted anti-poverty network has backed a call to end the two-child limit for benefits.
A St Andrews Friend’s poems have been published in an online Gaza project organised by the Association of Scottish Artists for Peace.
The entire staff team of the eighty-eight-year-old newspaper Peace News (PN) resigned last month. According to a special edition of the magazine at the end of August, the staff…
Clun Valley Meeting has adopted a concern about the arrest of a ‘pro-Palestinian’ activist and journalist known to local Friends. Sarah Wilkinson, a longtime campaigner for…
Quakers are getting ready for the Global Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice. The witness from 21-28 September will highlight connections between war, militarism and…
Woodbrooke has announced that Emily Provance will give the 2025 Swarthmore Lecture. The lecture will focus on the meaning of Quaker community, and how community is integral to…
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