Quaker climate campaigners at Yorkshire festival
The value of storytelling at a time of climate emergency highlighted
Quakers had a presence at the Yorkshire Festival of Story last month, where they highlighted the value of storytelling at a time of climate emergency.
Scottish Friend and environmental writer Alastair McIntosh spoke to the young Quaker climate activist Anya Nanning Ramamurthy, weaving together science, politics, psychology and spirituality to examine what it takes to face up to the climate emergency with courage.
The talk, on 18 November, was titled ‘Soil and Soul’, after McIntosh’s groundbreaking 2001 book, which argued that it was still possible for individuals and communities to take on the might of corporate power and emerge victorious.
In his latest work, Riders on the Storm: The climate crisis and the survival of being, Alastair McIntosh also rejects what he suggests are the blind alleys of climate change denial, exaggeration and false optimism, and offers ways forward instead.
The Yorkshire Festival of Story featured the writer Ben Okri as its guest director, and ran from 4 November to 27 November.