Friends make progress on Book of Discipline
16th September 2022

Friends make progress on Book of Discipline

by Rebecca Hardy
16th September 2022

Quakers mix internationally for World Quaker Day

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends have been encouraged to join international Friends for worship to celebrate this autumn’s World Quaker Day. The Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) invited…

Quakers hold concert for war refugees
9th September 2022

Quakers hold concert for war refugees

by Rebecca Hardy
9th September 2022

Cotteridge Friend proposes ‘energy champions’ project

by Rebecca Hardy

A Cotteridge Quaker has asked his Local Meeting to support a project to create ‘energy champions’ in a bid to tackle the energy and climate crisis.

9th September 2022

Quaker camp celebrates anniversary

by Rebecca Hardy

Luton & Leighton Area Meeting’s annual Quaker Camp celebrated its seventieth anniversary this year on a field in Malvern.

9th September 2022

BYM joins call for UK to support Palestinians

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) joined calls urging the UK government to take immediate action to protect Palestinian human rights defenders.

9th September 2022

Quaker presence at Greenbelt Festival

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers had a presence at the ‘arts, faith & justice’ Greenbelt Festival last month as Anaïs Mitchell took to the stage on the opening evening. A Meeting for Worship also…

QCEA announces new director
2nd September 2022

QCEA announces new director

by Rebecca Hardy
2nd September 2022

Edinburgh Quakers ‘spark conversations’ at Fringe

by Rebecca Hardy

Edinburgh Quakers have said they have received ‘a steady stream’ of visitors during the Fringe Festival period, despite being unable to host many performances because of new…

2nd September 2022

Huddersfield Friends resume Earth vigil

by Rebecca Hardy

Huddersfield Quakers have resumed a monthly Earth vigil in their witness to the climate and ecological crisis.

2nd September 2022

BYM contributes to new book on race relations in churches

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has contributed to a new book examining race relations within British churches over the past quarter of a century.

2nd September 2022

Airton Friends complete grade II*-listed conservation

by Rebecca Hardy

Airton Friends have completed major conservation and repairs to their grade II*-listed Meeting house. According to Airton Quakers, ‘the Meeting house now more closely resembles…