New site for Quaker-inspired eco village
A range of annexes and old barns offer ‘exciting ideas for developing an eco-village'.
A Quaker-inspired co-housing community has bought a new site in Cornwall. Jackie Carpenter, from Bude Meeting, set up the Four Seas Climate Change Cohousing Community (CCCC) as a radical cohousing project based on the Quaker testimonies of truth, peace, equality and simplicity.
Carthvean Farm, near Helston in Cornwall, is ‘a beautiful, spiritual place which has been cared for by a couple following the Quaker and Buddhist traditions for twenty-four years’, said Jackie. ‘It has been the location of several Quaker Living Witness events in the past, and in May this year, a picnic for “Cornwall Quakers for Climate Justice” was held by the lake at Carthvean.’
The fifteen acres of land includes an attractive farmhouse and garden, a wind turbine and solar panels and off-grid water supplies from a spring and a bore-hole. A range of annexes and old barns offer ‘exciting ideas for developing an eco-village’, said Jackie, as well as a forest garden, orchard and fertile soil for vegetables.
The seven founder members plan to spend time repairing the barns and moving in gently before advertising for new members, she said. ‘People who are interested are welcome to send in their names so they can be kept informed about opportunities. This summer, people are invited to apply to visit for a few days or a few weeks either as “willing volunteers”… or as paying guests.’