Quakers consider ethical socialism
‘The group looked ahead to how it can make more of an impact inside and outside of the Quaker community.'
Friends discussed the ‘future of ethical socialism’ this month, as twenty-two members of the Quaker Socialist Society (QSS) gathered at Woodbrooke for the first in-person Meeting since the pandemic.
Ian Martin, a QSS member, told the Friend.‘The group looked ahead to how it can make more of an impact inside and outside of the Quaker community. A highlight of the weekend [on 1 and 2 July] was the lecture by historian Graham Taylor on the history of the society, as early plans were made for the 50th anniversary of the society in 2025.’
Sheila Taylor, from QSS, said that Graham had spent many days at Friends House library researching the history of QSS and its predecessor, the Socialist Quaker Society. ‘This has involved not only minutes and publications but going through every volume of the Friend since 1898. His account charted the historical struggle within Quakers between those who want no more than philanthropy or tokenism and those who want more social and political intervention.’
She added: ‘Though the Salter Lecture this year had again proved a success – with Rupert Read’s challenging lecture on climate change widely reported – a need was felt for reassessment, given the upcoming 50th anniversary. The range of opinion was wide, as usual, with about half of those present not party-affiliated and the other half Green, Labour or Lib Dem.’