14th January 2010

Religious civil partnership proposal put forward

by Symon Hill

Religious groups including Quakers could be allowed to carry out civil partnerships for same-sex couples, if an attempt to change the law is successful.  The proposal appears…

14th January 2010

Trade union wants better protection for God’s workers

by Symon Hill

The treatment of staff in religious organisations is under the spotlight, following an anti-bullying campaign launched by a trade union representing thousands of ministers and…

14th January 2010

Weapons company joins 10:10 coalition to reduce emissions

by Symon Hill

An arms company faced derision and criticism after presenting itself as ethical by signing up to the 10:10 climate change campaign last year. MBDA Systems have pledged to cut their…

14th January 2010

Surprise, surprise – sceptical columnist attracted to Quakers

by Symon Hill

Guardian columnist Jessica Reed has surprised her readers by expressing a strong attraction to Quakerism – despite having been a longstanding atheist. It seems that the Quaker…

Travelling together
31st December 2009

Travelling together

by Mary Gilbert
31st December 2009

2010: a personal comment

by Michael Bartlet

A view from Copenhagen
17th December 2009

A view from Copenhagen

by Sunniva Taylor
17th December 2009

Christmas Cheer from Copenhagen?

by Laurie Michaelis

Climate change is a complex, messy and huge problem. At the time of the Friend going to press, the antidote being brewed in Copenhagen seems complex, messy and inadequate.…

10th December 2009

Equality Bill raises hopes of a religious character for civil partnership ceremonies

by Oliver Robertson

There is a possibility of significant movement on same-sex marriage within the next few months.  Quakers are hoping to have an amendment added to the Equality Bill currently…

10th December 2009

Quakers and the press move a little closer

by Oliver Robertson

Journalists may be allowed to report on future Yearly Meetings (YM), while texting and blogging in Yearly Meeting business sessions are set to be banned.  Meeting for…

10th December 2009

New ways to tackle Quaker giving

by Oliver Robertson

Meetings struggling to send out the annual appeal for Quaker work will be able to get help from Quaker Communications Department (QCD) next year.  Meeting for Sufferings…

Friends among Friends
10th December 2009

Friends among Friends

by Valerie Joy