21st July 2023

Friends counter climate denialism

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends are backing a network that is working across the UK to tackle climate denialism. The initiative, called MP Watch, has been set up to monitor climate deniers.

Ben Edson to be new Woodbrooke CEO
21st July 2023

Ben Edson to be new Woodbrooke CEO

by Rebecca Hardy
21st July 2023

BYM tells PM to back climate promises

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has called on Rishi Sunak to keep his promises on climate finance. BYM joined ninety-one other organisations in writing to the prime minister to ask…

21st July 2023

FWCC ‘birthday pack’ for George Fox

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) has published a birthday pack to help Meetings and schools celebrate George Fox’s 400th birthday next year.

Journeymen Theatre closes
14th July 2023

Journeymen Theatre closes

by Rebecca Hardy
14th July 2023

JSO protestor disrupts Quaker Meeting

by Rebecca Hardy

A Just Stop Oil (JSO) protestor visited a Quaker Meeting last week to read a prepared statement pressing Friends to take more urgent action on the climate emergency.

14th July 2023

Quakers consider ethical socialism

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends discussed the ‘future of ethical socialism’ this month, as twenty-two members of the Quaker Socialist Society (QSS) gathered at Woodbrooke for the first in-person…

14th July 2023

BYM urges more relief for climate-hit nations

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers have welcomed announcements that the World Bank and the UK government will allow countries suffering extreme weather events to pause their debt repayments. Britain Yearly…

14th July 2023

French Friends speak on riots

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers in France quoted the 2022 Swarthmore Lecture in response to the rioting that took place in France this month.

Korean peace school building celebrated
7th July 2023

Korean peace school building celebrated

by Rebecca Hardy
7th July 2023

Quaker stands for MP in July by-election

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker in Yorkshire is standing for election to be an MP, using artificial intelligence (AI) as a way of engaging with the constituency.

7th July 2023

New peace network for Wales

by Rebecca Hardy

Two organisations with Quaker roots are behind a new campaigning network in Wales. It has been set up to map the rise of militarism in the country, and bring people together to…