During the plenary, Friends had the opportunity to experience Worship as it is practised in each section of FWCC. The first was guided by the Africa Section, which comprises more…
At Business Meeting One, the various committees necessary for running a plenary (drafting the epistle, etc) were approved. At plenary, this included a ‘Weaving’ team, which was…
Tuesday night was given over to a celebration of George Fox at 400. The host was Gretchen Castle, the dean of Earlham School of Religion (and former FWCC general secretary). She…
Thursday’s Business Meeting Two would have to play catch up after the ‘little occurrence yesterday’, said Simon C Lamb. A report from the Quaker United Nations Offices would…
The preparatory reading for this stream included a stark acknowledgment: ‘We confess that we have fallen short of our commitments in the Kabarak and Pisac calls [for…
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