A lit candle behind thin bars. Photo: By Alan Bowman via Unsplash.

'Good morning prisoners, our friend darkness / is here once more...'

Poem: Making light of prisoners

'Good morning prisoners, our friend darkness / is here once more...'

by Steve Day 28th February 2025

Good morning prisoners, our friend darkness

is here once more, taking all colours 

from your light.

What resides inside you may still be 

blood and guts, pumping body and soul,

but your lights and offal, even in this place,

are up for grabs.

Our one certainty is, our best buddy, 

the heart of darkness, will be here to give

your poor eyes a rest from those arc lights 

used to question 

your motives for disorder. See, you

are in the dark, take it as read (we know

you know Conrad), your peaceful protests

don’t sit well here. 

The dark art of democracy insists

we keep all citizens under review; you are

as dangerous to us as the devils who knife

lights in the night.

Remember, you are all examples; 

dance, sing and pray you become a silent

majority, but don’t cross our path with light,

our friend is darkness.


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