A desk lamp directed towards a desk, with the rest of the room in darkness. Photo: By Serasena on Unsplash.

'It has just broken 5:30am...'

Poem: The day

'It has just broken 5:30am...'

by Steve Day 7th March 2025

It has just broken 5:30am,

the day greyed over, my angled desk light pointing

away from me so it can’t dazzle the keyboard.

I am sat in my room with a silent drum kit

and a laptop containing the whole world.

For a short while, perhaps five minutes, no more than that,

I left this space to its own order and counted my breathing.

The day ahead is not my own.

My diary has builders, an annual general meeting

shopping; I already know that won’t be the half

of it, there’s always things that spring out of

the plantation, taking up space I didn’t know

belonged to me. Those first five minutes, no more than that,

gave me an angle that pointed directly at everything within.


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