14th January 2022

Quaker prison chaplain awarded OBE

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker chaplain for Wandsworth Prison has been awarded the British Empire Medal in the New Year Honours 2022 list.

14th January 2022

BYM appoints two new local development workers

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has appointed two new local development workers (LDWs) to start early in the year. These are Ruth Audus and Melanie Thomas.

14th January 2022

Quaker peace group backs Alternative Security Review

by Rebecca Hardy

Northern Friends Peace Board (NFPB) has said that a key priority for 2022 is engaging in the recently-launched Alternative Security Review, aimed at hearing marginalised…

14th January 2022

Friends share sustainable buildings experience

by Rebecca Hardy

Central England Quakers (CEQ) is sharing its experience of making Meeting houses sustainable with other faith groups. The commitment is one of two key objectives set out by the CEQ…

7th January 2022

Quakers lobby for anti-nuclear ban

by Rebecca Hardy

2021 got off to a positive start when the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) was ratified.

Quakers rally for COP26
7th January 2022

Quakers rally for COP26

by Rebecca Hardy
7th January 2022

New Yorkshire centre opens

by Rebecca Hardy

Last year saw the first national Quaker centre open outside London for decades. The Quakers in Britain Yorkshire Centre opened in September as Friends continued the shift towards…

7th January 2022

Lobbying, protest and witness

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends continued their witness last year with more taking part in Extinction Rebellion (XR) action, as well as Insulate Britain and youth climate strikes. In a year where the…

7th January 2022

Greenham remembered

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker contribution to the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp was remembered in 2021 as peace campaigners celebrated its fortieth anniversary

24th December 2021

Report reveals ‘appalling treatment’ at Napier

by Rebecca Hardy

A cross-party group of politicians is pressing the government to end its use of Napier Barracks in Kent to accommodate people seeking asylum. The call was made in a report…

Quaker found ‘not guilty’ for DLR action
24th December 2021

Quaker found ‘not guilty’ for DLR action

by Rebecca Hardy
24th December 2021

Llandrindod Friends help fund community kitchen

by Rebecca Hardy

Llandrindod Quakers have donated funds to help set up a community kitchen for local food enterprises.