29th July 2022

Friends resist reopening of Campsfield House

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers in Oxfordshire are campaigning against the reopening of a notorious immigration detention centre.

Peace campaigners mark forty years of Faslane
22nd July 2022

Peace campaigners mark forty years of Faslane

by Rebecca Hardy
22nd July 2022

Friends call for progress on COP26 pledges

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers have joined faith communities across Scotland in asking Alok Sharma, COP26 president, to discuss progress made since the COP26 in Glasgow.

22nd July 2022

BYM lobbies on Public Order Bill

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has briefed key parliamentarians on the Public Order Bill, which is currently going through parliament.

22nd July 2022

Reading Friends delve into Quaker history

by Rebecca Hardy

A Quaker history group, which formed this year, discussed the life of the US Quaker ecumenist Douglas Van Steere this month, describing him as a ‘driving force’ behind modern…

22nd July 2022

Police bill will push prisons ‘to breaking point’

by Rebecca Hardy

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Court (PCSC) Bill will push the prison system to breaking point, the Quakers in Criminal Justice group has said.

Local campaigns resist army targeting of children
15th July 2022

Local campaigns resist army targeting of children

by Rebecca Hardy
15th July 2022

New prime minister ‘a valuable opportunity’ for new direction

by Rebecca Hardy

A new prime minister is an opportunity for the country to restore ‘the essential values of truth and integrity in public life’, Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) announced, on the…

15th July 2022

Estonian Friends launch Ukrainian school

by Rebecca Hardy

A school set up with the help of Estonian Quakers for war refugees has offered places to nearly 1,600 students.

15th July 2022

Emphasise public support for climate measures, Friends urged

by Rebecca Hardy

Scotland is not doing enough to meet its climate targets, Andrew Tomlinson, parliamentary engagement officer for Quakers in Scotland, has said.

15th July 2022

New data reveals number of unreported drone strikes

by Rebecca Hardy

The Northern Friends Peace Board has highlighted a new database which has revealed a number of unreported drone strikes.

15th July 2022

Meeting for Sufferings: Friends reflect on Yearly Meeting

by Rebecca Hardy

Friends started the afternoon session reflecting on Yearly Meeting (YM) 2022, particularly its decision to make reparations for Quaker involvement in the transatlantic slave trade,…