5th July 2024

Norwich Friends hold peace camp

by Rebecca Hardy

Norwich Quakers organised a peace camp last month to coincide with Refugee Week. 

Quaker spray paints Stonehenge for climate
28th June 2024

Quaker spray paints Stonehenge for climate

by Rebecca Hardy
28th June 2024

BYM lobbies politicians in Refugee Week

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers have urged all political parties to draw up a ‘humane, co-ordinated response to those seeking refuge’.

28th June 2024

Surge in global nuclear weapon spending

by Rebecca Hardy

Britain Yearly Meeting’s peace and disarmament team has highlighted a new report showing a thirteen per cent surge in global spending on nuclear weapons.

28th June 2024

Quakers host election hustings

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers are taking a collaborative approach this general election with Meeting houses hosting local hustings for other organisations. So far this includes Bournemouth, Boscombe,…

28th June 2024

Friends journey to FWCC plenary

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers started on a two-and-a-half-month journey this week to the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC)’s World Plenary Meeting in South Africa.

Songs of Praise at Swarthmoor
21st June 2024

Songs of Praise at Swarthmoor

by Rebecca Hardy
21st June 2024

Woodbrooke used for affordable housing

by Rebecca Hardy

The Bournville Village Trust (BVT) is offering Woodbrooke accommodation as affordable housing, which could include it being used by key workers. The move is part of wider plans to…

21st June 2024

G7 should pay fair share of climate finance, says BYM

by Rebecca Hardy

As leaders of the world’s richest countries met at a G7 meeting in Italy last week, Quakers urged them to deliver new, adequate climate finance to developing countries.

21st June 2024

Quakers stand for general election

by Rebecca Hardy

Two parliamentary candidates with Quaker links are standing against each other in a newly-created seat in Bristol.

21st June 2024

Devon Friends in War Child concerts

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers in Devon took part in a benefit concert this month in aid of children displaced by conflict. Hilary Prentice, from Totnes Meeting, and Steve Day and Stephen Sterling, from…

Quakers host atomic bombing survivors
14th June 2024

Quakers host atomic bombing survivors

by Rebecca Hardy