10th December 2009

Quakers and the press move a little closer

by Oliver Robertson

Journalists may be allowed to report on future Yearly Meetings (YM), while texting and blogging in Yearly Meeting business sessions are set to be banned.  Meeting for…

10th December 2009

New ways to tackle Quaker giving

by Oliver Robertson

Meetings struggling to send out the annual appeal for Quaker work will be able to get help from Quaker Communications Department (QCD) next year.  Meeting for Sufferings…

Friends among Friends
10th December 2009

Friends among Friends

by Valerie Joy
10th December 2009

Copenhagen cop-out?

by Laurie Michaelis

Over a hundred world leaders converge on Copenhagen next week for the high level segment of the UN climate talks. They hope to conclude two years’ negotiations on greenhouse gas…

Seeing ourselves as others see us
3rd December 2009

Seeing ourselves as others see us

by Philip Barron
3rd December 2009

Activists challenge Friends House Hospitality bookings

by Joe Mugford

Anti-extremism campaigners have expressed concern about bookings at Friends House. The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) had invited a leading Hungarian far right MEP and ally of the…

3rd December 2009

Quaker Business Conference 2009 – Looking at Success

by Sean Glasgow

What is success these days for Quakers in the business world? Over forty-five Friendly business people (seventy-five per cent in membership, twenty-five per cent in sympathy, with…

3rd December 2009

Quaker online discussion group relaunched

by Peter Sender

Friends have been using a new version of the Quaker discussion forum at www.quaker.org.uk to share thoughts about Quaker worship and beliefs, Quaker work and running Quaker…

Quakers on the public’s radars
26th November 2009

Quakers on the public’s radars

by Joe Mugford
‘Quaker’: what does it mean to the outside world?
19th November 2009

‘Quaker’: what does it mean to the outside world?

by Geoffrey Durham
Compassion plaque unveiled at Ramallah Quaker meeting
19th November 2009

Compassion plaque unveiled at Ramallah Quaker meeting

by Joe Mugford
19th November 2009

Quakers seek government progress on drug use

by Joe Mugford

The ongoing situation following the sacking by the home secretary of professor David Nutt from his position on the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, and the subsequent…