I have never seen Tony Blair looking so nervous. He appeared flustered and scared as I sat in the media room at the Iraq Inquiry, watching his interrogation on screens placed on…
Friends are among the campaigners pressing politicians for action to rein in the power of supermarkets, with the aim of preventing global wage reductions and the destruction of…
Campaigners across the world are calling for the total cancellation of all Haiti’s debts following the earthquake that has killed up to 200,000 people in the country. …
Do you agree with Quaker Life central committee that equality is better dealt with from hearts and minds as a spiritual matter, rather than simply as a compliance matter, asked…
‘Clear and simple go a long way’, explained Rachel Rees, head of Quaker communications and fundraising of Britain Yearly Meeting, explaining the role of Meeting for Sufferings…
Crucial questions about Quaker marriage procedure remain open as Friends continue to work on revisions to the marriage chapter of Quaker faith and practice. The revision was…
‘Quaker Life exists for no lesser purpose than to ensure that the spiritual life of every member of every Meeting… can be enriched and deepened’, explained Gerald Hewitson of…
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Written by and for Friends on the bench