End of life issues were a large part of Quaker Life’s report to Meeting for Sufferings. However, before the discussion, Martin Pennock, clerk of Quaker Life Central Committee…
Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham recently hosted its first Russia-themed weekend, at the suggestion of Friends House Moscow. ‘Russian Adventures: Russia, Quakers and…
Quakers met in Birmingham on 29 November to discuss practical steps for challenging inequality and austerity. ‘Food Banks are not enough: Practical ideas to challenge…
Bootham Junior School and Sibford School marked Anti-Bullying Week (17-21 November) in a particularly Quaker way.
American Friends recently staged the biggest pro-peace, pro-diplomacy lobbying day of 2014. The event was organised by the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL). More…
Purple Field Productions (PFP), founded by Quaker Elspeth Waldie, has launched its latest film, a music video called Ebola is Real. PFP works with people in Africa and Asia to make…
Quaker Social Action (QSA) has launched its first project with Mind, the mental health charity. ‘Mindful Money’ is a free ten-week course, taking place in Haringey, North…
Alan Avery, who attends Pickering Meeting in Yorkshire, has been selected to stand in the 2015 general election as Labour Party candidate for the Thirsk and Malton constituency.
Two Friends have recently returned from a trip to Ukraine where they were engaged in peace witness. In May Friends from Russia and Estonia voiced their concern over the situation…
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