26th February 2016

Friends further African interest

by Tara Craig

Twenty five members of Quaker African Interest Group (QAG) met at the Priory Rooms in Birmingham on 20 February. The event was for both ‘old Africa hands’ and newcomers to the…

19th February 2016

Methodists target Mondelez UK

by Tara Craig

The Methodist Tax Justice Network (MTJN ) has launched a campaign against Mondelez UK, the owners of Cadbury. The move was prompted by the news that the company paid no corporation…

19th February 2016

Scottish Election Guide

by Tara Craig

Britain Yearly Meeting has produced a guide to the Scottish parliamentary election, which will take place on 5 May. Topics addressed in the briefing include militarisation in…

Clean water a step closer
19th February 2016

Clean water a step closer

by Tara Craig
19th February 2016

Scottish Conservative delivers poverty lecture

by Tara Craig

Ruth Davidson, leader of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party and member of the Scottish parliament for Glasgow, delivered the third annual Joseph Rowntree Foundation and…

Sibford students attend US conference
19th February 2016

Sibford students attend US conference

by Tara Craig
19th February 2016

New roof for Beccles

by Tara Craig

Friends in Beccles, Suffolk, have replaced the roof of their Meeting house.

New appointment at Woodbrooke
19th February 2016

New appointment at Woodbrooke

by Tara Craig
12th February 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Private sponsorship of refugees

by The Friend Newsdesk

Friends at Meeting for Sufferings, held at Friends House on Saturday 6 February, addressed the subject of the plight of refugees and how Quakers might respond to the present…

12th February 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Progress on sustainability

by Tara Craig

Frances Voelcker, a member of the Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) Sustainability Group, spoke to the group’s written report. She stressed that only half of Area Meetings have…

12th February 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Our Faith in the Future

by Tara Craig

Meeting for Sufferings continued with its work on the new framework document, Our faith in the future. The focus remained on life in Area Meetings. Friends gathered in ‘home…

12th February 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Britain Yearly Meeting budgeting process

by The Friend Newsdesk

Meeting for Sufferings was informed of a minute from the Church Government Advisory Group (CGAG) held on 14 October 2015 on budgeting and updates to Quaker faith & practice…