BYM welcomes all Quaker MPs
12th July 2024

BYM welcomes all Quaker MPs

by Rebecca Hardy
12th July 2024

Armed Forces Day events hostings decline

by Rebecca Hardy

Interest in hosting Armed Forces Day events has declined in recent months, according to ForcesWatch and the Peace Pledge Union (PPU). This was highlighted through a Freedom of…

12th July 2024

Quaker artists go to Greenbelt

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker Arts Network (QAN) will have a presence at the Greenbelt Festival this summer, with a gazebo of its own. Meetings for Worship (MfW) have been a regular occurrence at the…

12th July 2024

Pity of War sculpture unveiled

by Rebecca Hardy

The Quaker-initiated Pity of War memorial was unveiled at the National Memorial Arboretum last month. 

12th July 2024

FWCC welcomes Julia Walloch

by Rebecca Hardy

The Friends World Committee for Consultation Europe and Middle East Section (FWCC EMES) has welcomed a new staff member to focus on communications. 

Quakers get ready for general election
5th July 2024

Quakers get ready for general election

by Rebecca Hardy
Quakers celebrate George Fox
5th July 2024

Quakers celebrate George Fox

by Rebecca Hardy
5th July 2024

Search for kindertransport foster families

by Rebecca Hardy

An IT pioneer and philanthropist has led a call to find British foster families who took in Jewish refugee children on the Quaker co-founded kindertransport.

5th July 2024

Letchworth Friends spotlight Quaker roots

by Rebecca Hardy

An open day for George Fox 400 held by Letchworth Friends shone a spotlight on the garden city’s Quaker roots. 

5th July 2024

Norwich Friends hold peace camp

by Rebecca Hardy

Norwich Quakers organised a peace camp last month to coincide with Refugee Week. 

Quaker spray paints Stonehenge for climate
28th June 2024

Quaker spray paints Stonehenge for climate

by Rebecca Hardy
28th June 2024

BYM lobbies politicians in Refugee Week

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers have urged all political parties to draw up a ‘humane, co-ordinated response to those seeking refuge’.