4th January 2019

Reconciliation in action

by Sally Kaminski-Gaze

As a member of the Religious Society of Friends, the Peace Testimony is at the heart of my faith. This complements and nourishes my work as head teacher of an Anglican school in…

4th January 2019

Meeting by candlelight

by Bessie White
21st December 2018

The Christmas pause

by Beth Allen
21st December 2018

Restoring relationships

by Ivan Hutnik
21st December 2018

Hold tight to the truth, and change

by Paul Parker
21st December 2018

A whole community of Friends

by Rebecca Fricker
21st December 2018

Christmas: a learning experience

by Bernard Coote
21st December 2018

A story for our times

by Ken Smith

It was a cold but clear late January day with a keen north wind blowing. The two women had met in the marketplace, and now in a pub, over coffee, were ready to talk. ‘I’m…

21st December 2018

Leadings and promptings

by Terry Oakley
21st December 2018

A symbol for our hopes

by Elaine Miles
21st December 2018

Who’s in control?

by Philip Allum
21st December 2018

The Jesus ghost

by Linda Ewles