The Friends Quarterly

The Friends Quarterly is a quarterly journal that aims to illuminate, educate and inspire.

It offers substantial articles by experts in their field, dealing with issues affecting Friends, current topics of concern, and thorough analysis of many aspects of Quakerism.

Below you can find several editions available to purchase in print. Soon, newer issues will be available online to those with a subscription.

We also have discounted rates available for study groups. Contact for more information.

2022 Issue 1: Reflecting on the journey
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2022 Issue 1: Reflecting on the journey
  • A fresh look at ‘Bringing the Invisible into the Light’ by Alison Leonard
  • Poem: Journey home by Rabindranath Tagore
  • Reflecting on the journey – thus far by Edwina Peart
  • From sacrifice to forgiving by Anthony Gimpel
  • Poem: The journey by Mevlâna Jalâluddîn Rumi
  • Seeking direction to uncover the truth about myself by Nim Njuguna
  • Plus discussion questions for study groups, for Meetings and other gatherings.
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2021 Issue 4: Truth decay
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2021 Issue 4: Truth decay
  • Doing the truth by John Lampen
  • Poem by Abigail Maxwell
  • The Truth about Truth by Jane Dawson
  • Poem: Forgiveness by John Greenleaf Whittier
  • Unpacking Truthfulness by Bob Ward
  • How do we know what is true? by David Brown
  • Plus discussion questions for study groups, for Meetings and other gatherings.
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2021 Issue 3: Living equality and truth in a time of crisis
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2021 Issue 3: Living equality and truth in a time of crisis
  • Of the Society, and not just in it: Cultivating anti-racism in the Religious Society of Friends by Rosemary Crawley
  • ’Why do you call me good?’: Whiteness and Quaker theological fragility by Mark Russ
  • Gender sense and simplicity: Growing the sense of a diverse meeting by Yvonne Estop-Wood
  • The souls of Quakers under environmentalism by Laurence Hall
  • Plus discussion questions for study groups, for Meetings and other gatherings.
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2021 Issue 2: The future of Quakerism
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2021 Issue 2: The future of Quakerism
  • Our limited understanding of community: It’s time to remake Quakerism by Jon Martin
  • Faith in the future, or, how to have hope by Freya Blyth
  • Being a Young Quaker with a capital Y by Peyton Lee
  • Listening for the future by James McCarthy
  • Plus discussion questions for study groups, for Meetings and other gatherings.
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2021 Issue 1: Death & dying
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2021 Issue 1: Death & dying
  • A reminder from the beyond by Thomas Kam Meadley
  • Acquainted with grief by MaryFaith Autumn
  • Assisted dying: should Quakers support it? by Molly Meacher
  • Trust or fear in civic society by Anne Hosking
  • Assisted dying: drawing lines, promoting autonomy by Tom Shakespeare
  • Plus discussion questions for study groups, for Meetings and other gatherings.
2020 Issue 4: Quakers at Christmas
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2020 Issue 4: Quakers at Christmas
  • Mary and me by Marisa Johnson
  • “The time called Christmas” by Joseph Jones
  • Quakers and the incarnation in the twenty-first century by Ruth Wilde
  • Quakers - Outside or ahead of the mainstream? by Helen Johnson
  • Gifts and giving by Alistair Fuller
  • Plus discussion questions for study groups, for Meetings and other gatherings.
2020 Issue 3
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2020 Issue 3
  • Virtual pilgrim by Tim Gee
  • Who are we going to be on the other side? Reflections on spiritual life during Covid-19 and beyond by Annette Gamblin
  • Spiritual Learnings from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) by Richard Eddleston
  • Fostering leadings of love through the Loving Earth Project by Linda Murgatroyd
  • Learning from Covid-19 for climate action A perspective from the Quaker United Nations Office by Lindsey Fielder Cook
  • Plus discussion questions for study groups, for Meetings and other gatherings.
2020 Issue 2
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2020 Issue 2
  • Gill Sewell and Olivia Sewell Risley introduce their first issue as editors, focused on inclusion and diversity
  • Nim Njuguna proposes Friends embrace the truth about the value of diversity
  • Abigail Maxwell writes about her lived experience and being frightened of her feelings during the silence of worship
  • Martyn Beer describes the origins of and debate around Quaker schools
  • An anonymous Friend asserts that when wrestling with diversity and inclusion, it won’t mean working with like-minded individuals
  • Plus New discussion questions
2020 Issue 1
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2020 Issue 1
  • Tony Stoller reflects of the stewardship that is the responsibility of Quaker publications
  • Erin Bell discusses the relationship between Jews and Quakers over time
  • ’Farrier’, an original poem but Seán Street
  • Harvey Gillman on reading, and the challenge and delight in the process
  • Stuart Masters asks if we can find traces of an eco-theology within Nayler’s writings
  • Two meditations by Stevie Krayer
  • Laurie Michaelis explores ‘the most fundamental challenge of our time’
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Written by and for Friends on the bench
