20th August 2021

Faith groups to ‘Make COP26 Count’

by Rebecca Hardy

Faith groups should prioritise amplifying the stories of frontline communities impacted by climate breakdown. This was one of the conclusions that came out of an interfaith climate…

New director for QUNO
20th August 2021

New director for QUNO

by Rebecca Hardy
20th August 2021

Campaign against Liverpool arms fair

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers are among those campaigning against an electronic arms fair that is to take place in Liverpool in October.

20th August 2021

Henley Friends unveil peace tree plaque

by Rebecca Hardy

Twenty Quakers from Henley Meeting gathered last month to unveil a plaque for their peace tree. The plaque bears a quotation from John Greenleaf Whittier, saying: ‘Love shall…

20th August 2021

QSA highlights mental health for men

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Social Action (QSA) has highlighted the prevalence of male mental health struggles, as it launches an online wellbeing course for men.

Friends return for Edinburgh Fringe
20th August 2021

Friends return for Edinburgh Fringe

by Rebecca Hardy
Woodbrooke announces 2022 Swarthmore lecturer
13th August 2021

Woodbrooke announces 2022 Swarthmore lecturer

by Rebecca Hardy
13th August 2021

Church report praises Quaker partnership

by Rebecca Hardy

A Church of England report into the UK’s housing crisis has highlighted a partly Quaker-funded housing initiative in its pledge to build affordable homes on church land.

13th August 2021

QSA decides not to run winter shelter

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Social Action (QSA) has said that it will not run a winter shelter in 2021, or in the future, due to the risks. ‘We acknowledge all that was achieved by QHA [Quaker…

13th August 2021

Village honours green Friend

by Rebecca Hardy

A Northumberland village has paid tribute to a Quaker who helped foster community relations. Local people planted a flower bed in Shilbottle in honour of Mike McPhun, who lived in…

13th August 2021

BYM drops term ‘net-zero’

by Rebecca Hardy

Quakers in Britain no longer use the term ‘net zero’ in advocacy and campaigning work, a staff member has said.

13th August 2021

Quaker role in racism report

by Rebecca Hardy

Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) and Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) have contributed to a new United Nations report into systemic racism.