New appointment at QCEA
14th October 2016

New appointment at QCEA

by Tara Craig
14th October 2016

Israeli CO speaks of hope and dialogue

by Tara Craig

Huddersfield Friends recently organised two events featuring Sahar Vardi, an Israeli conscientious objector (CO) and peace activist.

14th October 2016

A Friendly look at the news

by Tara Craig

Gerald Conyngham of Exeter Meeting was a guest on BBC Radio Devon’s Maggy Whitehouse show on Sunday 2 October during Quaker Week.

14th October 2016

Friend launches petition

by The Friend Newsdesk

A Friend has launched an online petition to remove the ban on people in prison being allowed to vote in national and local elections.

First woman member of FAU dies
7th October 2016

First woman member of FAU dies

by The Friend Newsdesk
Diversity marks ninth Quaker Week
7th October 2016

Diversity marks ninth Quaker Week

by The Friend Newsdesk
7th October 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Focus on Vibrancy at Sufferings

by Tara Craig

The new Vibrancy in Meetings initiative was one of the main agenda items at Meeting for Sufferings held in the George Fox Room at Friends House in London on Saturday 1 October.

7th October 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Clerks reflect on American trip

by Tara Craig

Recording clerk Paul Parker and Yearly Meeting clerk Deborah Rowlands gave an informative report on their recent trip to visit Quaker communities in the USA (see the Friend, 2…

7th October 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: QPSW journey continues

by Tara Craig

Charlotte Seymour-Smith, clerk of Quaker Peace & Social Witness Central Committee (QPSWCC), spoke to its annual report to Meeting for Sufferings. QPSW is already looking…

7th October 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Exploring priorities and balances

by Elinor Smallman

Meeting for Sufferings returned to questions relating to the Yearly Meeting 2015 minute ‘Living out our faith (call for equality)’ that it had not had time to consider in…

7th October 2016

Meeting for Sufferings: Area Meeting concerns heard

by Elinor Smallman

Minutes from four Area Meetings (AMs) were brought to Sufferings for consideration. Brighouse West Yorkshire AM raised the Ammerdown Invitation and Friends’ responses to it. The…

7th October 2016

TTT website goes live

by Tara Craig

The new website for Turning the Tide is now live. The bright, user-friendly website contains information and resources on the work of Turning the Tide. Some tools are available…