20th January 2017

Kindertransport exhibition at Peace Museum

by The Friend Newsdesk

A new exhibition on the dramatic story of the Kindertransport opens at the Peace Museum in Bradford on Holocaust Memorial Day.

20th January 2017

Holocaust Memorial Day

by The Friend Newsdesk

The theme of Holocaust Memorial Day on 27 January is ‘how can life go on?’

20th January 2017

Website outreach initiative

by The Friend Newsesk

A new initiative that hopes to change the way information on Quaker websites in Britain is presented is being launched. Keith Walton, of Kingston and Wandsworth Area Meeting, is…

13th January 2017

Francis speaks out on nonviolence

by The Friend Newsdesk

Pope Francis, in a statement released on 1 January for the Catholic Church’s fiftieth World Day of Peace, urged Roman Catholics throughout the world to make nonviolence a ‘way…

13th January 2017

Quaker photographer given national recognition

by The Friend Newsdesk

The distinctive photography of Quaker and lecturer John Arnison has been recognised by the Victoria and Albert Museum.

13th January 2017

Change at Church and Peace

by The Friend Newsdesk

Davorka Lovreković, of German Yearly Meeting, finished her four-year appointment as general secretary of Church and Peace in December 2016.

13th January 2017

National Day of Healing planned

by The Friend Newsdesk

The Friends Fellowship of Healing is planning a National Quaker Day of Healing.

13th January 2017

Daily worship

by The Friend Newsdesk

Holding a thirty minute Meeting for Worship in the Quaker Centre at Friends House from 12.30pm each weekday will continue in 2017.

16th December 2016

EAPPI representative detained and deported

by The Friend Newsdesk

Isabel Apawo Phiri, the World Council of Churches (WCC) associate general secretary, has been interrogated and refused entry to Israel while on a programme supported by British and…

16th December 2016

Wanstead statement on gender diversity

by The Friend Newsdesk

Wanstead Meeting have issued a statement on gender diversity for the wider Quaker community.

Poetry anthology launched
16th December 2016

Poetry anthology launched

by The Friend Newsdesk
16th December 2016

Games man honoured

by The Friend Newsdesk

David Parlett of Croydon Meeting in London has been appointed visiting professor of Games Design at the University of Suffolk.