Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) has joined twenty-one other charities calling on the UK government to ensure Israel complies with its obligations under international law. This…
Changes to the Quaker Marriage Declaration was next on the agenda. Following an agreement in December 2023 to allow different pronouns in the declaration, Friends now received…
Friends then received a report from Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) trustees, with some surprise last-minute changes. ‘I was going to give a two-minute presentation,’ Marisa…
How sweet is harmless Solitude? What can its Joys controul? Tumults and Noise may not intrude, To interrupt the Soul That here enjoys it self, retir’d From Earth’s seducing…
Answers Across 2. Reproach 3. Cherish 7. Forester 10. Smelting 11. Vigils 12. Women Down 1. Love Life 4. Star 5. Criminal 6. Mules 8. Rowntree 9. Peterloo
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Written by and for Friends on the bench