Eye hears about 'thunking', sees snowdrops emerge in a peaceful display, and enjoys a trusty readers' lyrics celebrating snores…
by Elinor Smallman
Twists and turns in the story of the ‘Quaker Aunts’ A story of unearthing family legends and tracing the tale of a formidable trio of ‘Quaker Aunts’ caught Eye’s eye on…
The Hufflepuff hypothesis A light-hearted look at parallels between Quakerism and the Harry Potter books has been penned by Chloe Scaling, who is currently doing an internship in…
Making Friends in the Metro Crossword enthusiasts tackling the clues in the Metro newspaper on 25 April spotted a quirky piece of inadvertent outreach. ‘Get on good terms and…
God is… Gabrielle Scott, of Muswell Hill Meeting, shares a poem inspired by a moment of stillness in a storm with Eye. God is in the spaces between keep still and listen there…
Friends, animals and songs… A Quaker singer/songwriter has rolled up his musical sleeves and embarked on a new project focussed on animals and people.
‘Look Inside’ Meeting for Worship has inspired Cath Minchin, of Ipswich Meeting, to create a free verse reflecting on stepping aside and looking inside: At times we feel…
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Written by and for Friends on the bench