‘We can still avoid catastrophic damage to life on this earth. The issue is and always has been a matter of political will.'

Young Quaker rallies for youth climate strikers

‘We can still avoid catastrophic damage to life on this earth. The issue is and always has been a matter of political will.'

by Rebecca Hardy 10th December 2021

A Young Quaker has urged Friends to continue supporting student climate strikers in their action this week. Adam Waters from Selly Oak Meeting urged those present at the ‘Action not Words – what can Birmingham do after the Climate Conference?’ to get behind the protestors who will be taking to the streets for the Birmingham Youth Strike 4 Climate on 10 December.

‘We can still avoid catastrophic damage to life on this earth. The issue is and always has been a matter of political will,’ the group tweeted, rallying people to ‘show everyone we won’t stop, we still care’.

Barnaby Waters, Chris Martin and Ginnie Wollaston, co-clerks of Central England Quakers Climate Emergency Action (CEQ CEA) group, told the Friend that Quakers were well-represented at the event, which was organised by Footsteps and the Birmingham Faith Leaders’ Group.

The clerks said they intend to focus on two ‘action areas’ from the conference through the Birmingham Faith Leaders’ Group.

These are: ‘sharing CEQ’s experience of making Meeting houses sustainable with other faith communities as part of Footsteps’ Project 4F work to reduce faith buildings fossil fuel carbon emissions’; and ‘working with other faith communities to educate and communicate about the need to eat sustainably: eat less meat, reduce plastic use and food waste and the need to burn food waste’.


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