The Friend’s reports from Yearly Meeting preparation sessions and special interest meetings continues

Yearly Meeting 2024: Preparation - part seventeen

The Friend’s reports from Yearly Meeting preparation sessions and special interest meetings continues

by Lis Burch, Rebecca Hardy, Imi Hills, Joseph Jones, Alastair Reid, and Elinor Smallman 19th July 2024

A special interest group on Engaging with the new government was led by BYM’s public affairs team. Grace Da Costa and Billy Vaughan said the team was keen to be involved in Labour’s Ethics and Integrity Commission (although more details had yet to be announced) and was planning to engage different Quaker groups, ‘so we can have a stronger collective voice’. The team will also be seeking to work with new and re-elected MPs at national and local level, building long-term relations and helping them maintain their truth and integrity. ‘We will focus on MPs that are interested and influential in areas that we want to focus on,’ she said. This also includes the six Quaker MPs now in parliament. Friends were also encouraged to engage with their MPs locally, and the team plans to provide support with this, including offering greetings cards and Faith in Action drop-in sessions to provide one-to-one support for Friends.