'How active are we being in trying to welcome children and young people in our spaces? Do we embrace the noise and richness and variety they bring?' Photo: courtesy BYM
Yearly Meeting 2022: Session 3 - Our Quaker Communities: Grounded in faith and challenging us to act
‘Being pushed or pulled is uncomfortable, but it is necessary.’
Saturday afternoon’s Session Three focussed on Our Quaker Communities: Grounded in faith and challenging us to act. In opening worship, one Friend reflected on the ‘wealth and riches of the ministry’ in the previous session. Two things were fundamentally important, said the Friend: ‘one is acknowledging our own vulnerability, and the other is learning how to trust’. Another quoted the Sufi poet Rumi: ‘Wherever you stand, be the spirit of that place.’ Then someone took the Meeting back to the previous theme of waiting, and how that operated in community: ‘Sometimes that community can encourage you to wait because they don’t like the idea of what you’re suggesting… or alternatively encourage you to action where you’re not sure it’s the right thing to do.’ Being pushed or pulled was uncomfortable, said the Friend, but it was necessary.