World Challenge Expedition to Namibia

Jake Usman describes an adventurous trip

I have only just finished putting all of my Namibia pictures up in my study. It is strange looking at how much we actually experienced while we were there.  Our adventure starts back in Fifth Year, the first interest, the impossibility of raising well over £28,000 as a group, the first feelings of excitement. After months and months of letters, bag packs, school fund-raisers, marathons, saving, part-time jobs and generous friends and family, we were on a plane to Namibia. We arrived in Windloek – it was so cold, which we were not expecting – dressed in shorts and t-shirts like real tourists.  We were met by Doo Doo, our driver, who took us to buy enough food for ten days and also to buy a cement mixer, paint brushes, varnish, rags, tiles, blackboard, paint, hammers, screwdrivers and a lot more.

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