Words: Prayer

Harvey Gillman continues his series of reflections on words

Prayer arises because life is precarious. Both of these words derive from the Latin precari: to beg. Feeling powerless, we may begin by declaring our unworthiness (confession). We may then beg for a favour, for ourselves (petition), for those we love (intercession) and then against our enemies (though prayers of imprecation are not so common nowadays – but read the Psalms!). Then we express our gratitude (thanksgiving) by telling the powerful one how powerful they/it/he, even she, is (praise). Life is precarious – prayer alone will resolve its conflicts and give us strength. Paradoxically, the response may be that we are the answer to our own prayers. The word has the same root as the German fragen: to ask. Life is a question. Prayer may give us an answer. Or, at least, we ask for one.

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