Woodbrooke and Quaker Life support project on the effects of divorce

Woodbrooke project on divorce

Woodbrooke and Quaker Life support project on the effects of divorce

by Harry Albright 1st September 2017

Woodbrooke and Quaker Life are supporting a project exploring the effects of divorce and relationship breakdown on individuals and Meetings.

The project’s purpose is to promote understanding of ‘the particular stresses of these often traumatic and complex life events’ in the context of a Quaker Meeting, and to provide Meetings with some guidance or resources to aid their response’.

The project will engage with a number of questions: Do Friends respond more or less caringly/effectively/judgementally than other communities? How do Quakers feel when a marriage made ‘in the care of the Meeting’ fails? Do we respond differently if only one partner attends the Meeting?

A consultation event at Friends House is being held on 21 October.


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