'We spoke about the possibility of applying wilding principles to some steep, poor-quality land near Durham City.' Photo: Detail of bookcover for Wilding: the return of nature to a British farm, by Isabella Tree

Author: Isabella Tree. Review by Simon Webb

Wilding: the return of nature to a British farm, by Isabella Tree

Author: Isabella Tree. Review by Simon Webb

by Simon Webb 5th March 2021

The Durham Quaker book group turned out to be remarkably well-qualified to discuss Isabella Tree’s 2019 book Wilding, our choice for February 2021. The Quakers and others who attended via Zoom included two professional ecologists, at least four serious walkers, and a couple with an extensive city garden that they are already ‘wilding’. One of the ecologists was joining from Athens, and both were able to provide insights into conservation issues as they apply to Greece.