Wreaths around Cheltenham War Memorial. Photo: Rowland Carson.

Three Friends took part in a wreath-laying ceremony in Cheltenham

White flowers in Cheltenham

Three Friends took part in a wreath-laying ceremony in Cheltenham

by The Friend Newsdesk 18th November 2016

On Remembrance Sunday, Alison Crane, Dorothy Carson and Rowland Carson of Cheltenham Quaker Meeting took part in the wreath-laying ceremony at the Cheltenham War Memorial. They laid a specially-commissioned wreath of mostly fresh white flowers with a few Royal British Legion red poppies included. The attached card read: ‘In memory of all victims of conflict.’

Rowland Carson told the Friend: ‘We each wore one white and one red poppy with a “Quakers for peace” badge. We had negotiated our participation with the local Royal British Legion (who control all aspects of Remembrance) and they informed us that “the laying of a white poppy wreath would not be acceptable” – “as it would undoubtedly cause offence to a number of people and be an unwelcome distraction during the Service of Remembrance”.’

‘For this year, at least, we have accepted their compromise suggestion of a wreath containing white flowers other than poppies. We met with nothing but pleasant acceptance by all we encountered at the ceremony, including military personnel.

‘Returning to the war memorial after the ceremony to take pictures, we overheard one of the people nearby saying “That’s a nice sentiment” while indicating our wreath.’


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