The Earth from space Photo: NASA via Fragile Oasis / flickr CC
A poem by Grace Lindsay
‘Where should the Birds fly after the last Sky?’ Mahmoud Darwish
Where does the heart go when
it knows the hideous lies spoken,
the searing of flesh is everywhere,
the ugliness of too-soon death abounds?
Where should it go?
Where do the ears go when
the keening of women stops,
the baby’s cry ceases for all time,
the bulldozers no longer bury,
and all that remains is Silence?
Where should they go?
Where should the eyes go when
the young boy picks up the gun,
the running limb of yesterday joins the birds
and the blood-stained earth glares?
Where should they look?
Where should the soul go when
hope drains with the seeping blood,
rage rips open and humanity flees,
tears cease and in every crevice the call is vengeance?
Where does it go?
Where is Love hidden?
Does the lark still sing? And the nightingale?
The tender hand that warmly strokes…
The soldier’s dreams of white lilies and the smell of coffee… Where?
And where the joyful song at the stirring of new dawn?